quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011


"Many people are telling me I'm jealous of Selena. I'm not ... Well, I am ... But it now because I do not like her very much. We all expected him things like a new haircut, new friends, new fans ... but not a new attitude. He always said he was grateful that a boy loved his fans. Now, it's like he forgot what made him where he is now. Justin, you can be beautiful, talented, etc. .. but if you do not have the beliebers you would not be where he is today. I'm not writing this to hate Justin ... I would never do that. I love him, always will. I just wanted to say how he became a celebrity normal. He does not talk to his fans unless it is to promote himself and he pays no attention to her fans on Twitter more. He used to do that. Now the best part: Selena. I'm not like her, want to be clear. and I think that's what Justin is starting to do. He tweets only to promote themselves and not just for the fans cheer or tell us about your new experiences or who he met or where you are ... I miss him. I think I'll have to live in the past through images, videos, music etc .... Justin always wanted to date someone famous. But now he insists that he was still a normal kid. However much you want to say that Justin is a pop star ... not a normal boy anymore. I love him to death. Always will. It will never stop. Selena, if you makes you happy, stick with it. All I want to see Justin happy. He is ignoring fans when Selena is around. He must remember who is loyal to him and that will be there till the end ... and who will not. Do not betray your beliebers, Justin. You'll regret it for a long time. "

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